Emma Lundberg

R & D Manager

Please provide a brief background about yourself:

 I am 41 years old and I have a Master of Science in geodesy and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I have been working at my current company for more than 13 years in a number of different roles and I learn new things every day. I live in the central part of Stockholm with my family.


How would you describe your day-to-day role?

My day-to-day role includes a host of meetings, as well as a lot of coaching and micro decisions. Most of the time, I try to be a rock for my team and colleagues. My aim is to inspire, and I am hopefully seen as a role model.

What led you to choose a career in this field?

It was a combination of gut feeling and coincidence. I trusted my instincts and followed my heart.


What convinced you to apply for your current role?

During my parental leave, I was asked to join the management team as a support manager. Shortly after that, there was a reorganisation in the company. I was prompted to try the R&D manager role and I did not hesitate. It seemed like a nice challenge.


What’s the most exciting part of your role?

The possibility to make a difference in the business and in the lives of my employees. I really enjoy working together with my supportive colleagues in a warm and positive environment. We are a tight team, which paves the way for our joint successes.


What’s the most challenging part of your role?

To balance old and new ways. On the one hand, I have to respect previous ways and methodologies of working. On the other hand, I have to meet the needs and demands of new processes and outcomes.


How is working where you are now different from previous roles you’ve had?

The major difference between this role and my previous roles is that now I am working as a leader and not with or even within the scope of my education. I trust that I earn my respect as a leader by being interested and by being just.


What is your greatest accomplishment since starting out?

The support and respect I feel from my closest colleagues, and from the company as a whole. With that anything is possible.


What hobbies do you have outside of work?

Outside of work I try to make time for outdoor life, I hike in the Swedish mountains and I go cross-country skiing when I can. With my kids, I enjoy biking, swimming and skiing. When possible, I study, and I have taken courses in writing and philosophy. My mind is a curious one, and I like adventures.

If you could describe your day in three words, what would they be?

 Coffee, collaboration and kids.


What’s the best piece of advice you would offer to future Women in Tech?

Do not think that you need to know the job before you start - you will learn!

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